Belinda Olsen Photography » Utah Wedding & Portrait Photographer | Logan, Utah | 435-881-2184

paying my respect

I really admire my husband.   That’s part of why I married him 🙂  One extremely challenging thing my husband and his family went through was losing his mom to ALS at the age of 9.   Part of this difficult disease was watching her body deteriorate for nearly five years prior to her passing.  I cannot imagine what this was like for anyone involved.

One day I was speaking to Craig and my sister in law, Wendy.  We were talking about the difference between loss and tragic loss.  All loss is difficult.  No one is disregarding that.  They went on to tell me that nothing can compare to the loss of a parent, sibling or child at such a young age.  This really settled when we went to my mother in laws grave and I saw my husbands name listed as one of her children.  No one can prepare a child to lose their parent as such a young age.
my husbandPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEAs you leave the cemetery you pass through a gate and see this tree.  This tree isn’t really that beautiful.  This picture isn’t going to make millions or be loved by anyone but me.  However, at this moment I swear my mother in law was there with me.  Just a calm, peaceful, loving being.  Even though I’ve never met you, I love you Carolyn!the view outside from the gatePINIMAGE

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  • Wendy - We love you, these pictures say more than a million words.ReplyCancel

  • AngryGardner - I have always loved that tree as well. Glad you are part of the Olsen clan.ReplyCancel

  • Tara Siddoway - These pictures are beautiful, and I’m glad you shared them along with your personal experience.ReplyCancel

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