Belinda Olsen Photography » Utah Wedding & Portrait Photographer | Logan, Utah | 435-881-2184

Tips & Tricks For A Newborn Session — Logan, Utah Newborn & Child Photographer

Today I decided that I would give various tips and tricks that I have learned to help during a newborn session:

-It’s best to schedule your session several weeks before your due date. I know that babies come on their own schedule, not on their ‘due date’. I’m really flexible! Typically a mom or dad will call or email me a day or two after their baby is born and we will then solidify the day for our session.
-Between 5-10 days is the best time for the session to occur. At this time babies are extremely sleepy and flexible. If we wait around 2 weeks babies start to have acne settle in. A newborn session can be done as late as 4 weeks, however there is a distinct difference in how a baby looks between 5 days and one month.
-A session should be scheduled right after a feeding and when the baby is the sleepiest. If a baby has a full tummy, in a warm room and ready for sleep they are happy!
-Regardless of if you are breast-feeding or bottle feeding please be prepared to take time during our session to do a feeding. I have yet to go through a session where the baby doesn’t at least eat an extra ounce or two.
-I encourage families to bring any props with them…blankets, hats, outfits, a parent who loves baseball may chose to bring a baseball and mitt with them, etc.
-Typically a newborn session will take 1.5-2 hours but may go as long as 3. I encourage moms to enjoy the time having some care for their child and relax with a good book, game or cross-world puzzle.
If you ever have a question about what’s best before a session please send me an email at Here is a preview of a beautiful baby I photographed today!
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  • Colin - This picture is amazing. Very pretty eyes.ReplyCancel

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