Belinda Olsen Photography » Utah Wedding & Portrait Photographer | Logan, Utah | 435-881-2184

old school vegas

My dream rental car would be a tiny little sports car that makes it easy to (legally) zoom in and out of traffic with the wind blowing through your hair.  When I arrived at the Hertz Car Rental in Las Vegas I was really excited to hear we received a complimentary upgrade to a sports car.  However…driving around with six girls would make a sports car practically impossible.  Instead we upgraded to the mini van 🙂  PINIMAGEOne of my favorite days at my photography conference included us going out to the old part of Las Vegas.  It had such a different feel from the casinos, commotion and bright lights.  I loved seeing the chipped paint, architectural personality and vibrant colors.
My favorite sign of the trip:PINIMAGEPINIMAGE

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