Belinda Olsen Photography » Utah Wedding & Portrait Photographer | Logan, Utah | 435-881-2184

The {Almost} Clothing Thief — Northern Utah Photographer

I decided today that I needed to combine both my personal blog and my photography blog. There was no way for me to keep up with the two! As a result I’ll tell you a little bit about my day at the laundromat. We have always been spoiled and had a washer and dryer in the apartments that we have lived in…until now. (I hope we find a used set soon) As a result I packed my baskets of laundry and quarters to head to the first laundromat I could find that had Wi-Fi. Here’s my list of pros and cons for the laundromat.

-colored chairs
-bigger washers and dryers that do the load in half the time
-the vending machine that gave me a free water
-fun colored machines
-pinball and pac-man
-fun things to photograph (while people looked at me like I’m a psycho)
-nice owner man who opened the door for me when I was carrying in my 4
(yes, you read that right….FOUR) loads of laundry
-awesome laundry carts on wheels
-paying to do laundry
-the college kid that tried to steal my clothes!!!
The story: I was sitting between two rows of washers using my computer while I was watching a creativeLIVE workshop. I specifically chose to sit there so I could watch my clothes that were in the dryer. All of a sudden some college kid opens my dryer and starts putting my clothes in his basket. I approached him and asked him if he was grabbing clothes from the right dyer. Needless to say we had a little banter about who was the owner of the clothes until I picked up a very girly t-shirt. At that point he dropped the laundry basket and ran out the door. What the?!?! Some people.
Despite my crazy experience I think I’ll go back again.

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  • amber - That is crazy! I'm glad he didn't make it out with any of your clothes.ReplyCancel

  • Belinda - I honestly have no idea what I would've done…I just laughed when he ran out of the building. Thanks for stopping by Amber. I need to try some of your recipes 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Christy - Too funny. Good thing you were watching your clothes! Been there done that (laundrymat). It's a pain in the neck, but yeah, you'll be back because you like clean clothes!! I like the new blog combo. And the pics of the laundrymat are worth all the weird looks. They rock.ReplyCancel

  • Belinda - Thanks Christy!ReplyCancel

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