Belinda Olsen Photography » Utah Wedding & Portrait Photographer | Logan, Utah | 435-881-2184

Here is the last of this series of siblings. Miss C. is the oldest of three beautiful children. I really enjoyed watching her interact with her siblings. She would gingerly hold her little sister, making sure that she was comfortable. She would play off of her little brother’s reaction. Miss C would make her little brother giggle, then she would giggle listening to him and then he would laugh harder. One thing I love about photographing kids at this stage is when they show me their giant smiles and there are a few missing teeth! Miss C loved to show me her first missing tooth and each tooth that was loose. I loved the genuine laughter I was able to capture from her.Photographer Child PhotographyPINIMAGE

Miss C has an extremely compassionate heart beyond her years. She is very sensitive to the needs of others. It takes a little bit of time for Miss C to warm up to new people. Once this beautiful little girl trusts you, she give you her heart. I loved spending time photographing this beautiful family. PINIMAGE

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  • AngryGardner - Love that little girl she is so funny… You really nailed her big gorgeous eyes. Someday you need to show me how to do your B&W conversion.ReplyCancel

I love photographing newborns! Each newborn no matter how old, has a distinct personality. This beautiful little newborn had a sweet, precious, calm demeanor even before she was born. Take note of the cute little mark on her left forearm. When Miss J was in the womb she would suck on her arm at that little spot. It was so cute to see and hear the story behind it.

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One of my favorite things about photographing newborns is watching them sleep. There is such a calm and peaceful feeling about them. Miss J made sweet, soft cooing noises while she was sleeping that made me smile. Photographing this little girl was such a treat. I also enjoyed photographing her brother that you can see here. Her beautiful older sister we be on the blog next week!

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Continued from my post last week is an extended debut of my supervising team from Maceys. After we were able to take our group photograph, I pulled each supervisor aside one at a time to have their portraits taken. We started with some simple, classic and wintery images.
Next we started playing games. We imagined it was a warm summery day in cold Cache Valley. Then we saw the neighboring giant mound of snow and dirt to play ‘King of Bunker Hill’.

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The more we photographed, the more we cheered each other on to laugh, relax and have a great time. I couldn’t stop laughing when Suzanne decided to jump into the snowy reeds and play peek-a-boo ๐Ÿ™‚

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As we wrapped up our photo shoot we jumped on generators, poles and had Voguesque posing moments from the jokesters of the group.

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To my dear Maceys friends I love you all! Thanks for the fun!
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I’m really excited to be going through some changes! This Wednesday will be my last day at my current day job. Life has been a little bit crazy for the past three weeks while I’ve been training my replacement and training at my new location. (at the same time!) After eight years of working there I have bittersweet feelings about leaving . . . but I’m excited for my new opportunity! I’m going to a place where my photography artistry is embraced and encouraged. I’ve had the opportunity to photograph a few commercial projects for by new employer and am excited to photograph a few more for them ๐Ÿ™‚ I will have a super flexible schedule and all Saturdays off making more time for my husband and then you, my clients & friends!
The thing that I am the saddest about is not working everyday with one of the best supportive staffs! I had twelve amazing supervisors that I worked with one on one, coached and trained to support the rest of our growing team. We always found a way to make work fun and laugh along the way. My last official meeting with my team of supervisors, we decided to have ‘family’ pictures taken. I was able to convince a girl in another department to take a few group shoots of us attempting to be serious and ‘normal’. After our group picture I had the opportunity to do a few individual portraits. (which I’ll show you soon!)
To my amazing team: Thanks for the late night cart races, invention of new colors, willing attitude, the heart to heart chats, being a voice model, keeping a journal of crazy situations to make us laugh when the hard days came, thoughtful notes around my desk, best baked goodies, practicing new high five variations, hilarious adapted song lyrics and (of course!) constantly quoting ‘The Office‘ to make me laugh. I loved our Christmas variation of the Dundies with our own gold plated Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup. Live on ‘Blaineys’ ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you all!

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  • Ryan - This was also the first post you made on your new domain!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ReplyCancel

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


I’m sorry for my absence in on the blog! I’ve started a new day job which will allow for me to be off on the weekends which will allow for more PHOTOGRAPHY time! I’m really excited and feel this is a good decision for our family and for my clients!
I wanted to give just a quick glance at one of the cutest cowboys ever! I had the opportunity to be in Fillmore, Utah and photograph this cute little guy and his siblings. I’m excited to feature each of their pictures. I’ve never seen blue eyes like this! At first Mr. L was a little shy. He asked if he could wear his Woody hat, from Toy Story and I said of course. He was so excited that he also brought out his cap gun and shouted ‘yee-haw’ from the top of his lungs. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is just one reason why I love photographing children!

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Logan Utah Newborn PhotographyPINIMAGE

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