Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary! Time goes by soo fast! We celebrated by going to Hamilton’s for a beautiful dinner, a church activity and playing Carcassone. (we have a board game addiction) It was a great day! Over dinner we reminisced over the highlights of the year. My husband said his favorite thing was that after my surgery, I’m no longer sick. (darn you gallbladder for making me sick for s-e-v-e-n awful months) My favorite thing was my husband graduating from school and getting a new job. With his new schedule we actually get to see each other without rushing to classes, jobs and study groups. I know I’ve wanted things to work out on my timetable and have everything ‘now’. Things are really just falling into place for us in a better way than I ever could’ve imagined.
This fall we had family pictures taken by my great friend, Kristin. I felt this was an appropriate time to share my favorites!
We love to laugh at our house. That was actually one requirement in finding a husband. I wanted to someone that could make me laugh every single day of my life. I don’t remember what Craig said but it was funny and it was accompanied by a side of tickling. I was laughing really hard. Scrunch up your nose and close your eyes hard. 🙂
My FAVORITE! I love the expression on Craig’s face. I have a keeper. I’m going to keep him forever….and then some! Love you Babbage!
Chelsea - I love every single one of them! You are gorgeous and you and Craig make a cute couple! 🙂 happy anniversary!
Wendy - What a great post!!! We love you both and are so happy for all the great times you share. We only wish we lived closer!!!
Cindy Steel - So so so pretty! Love the pictures and I hope you guys had a great anniversary!!!
Belinda Olsen - Thank you for the anniversary well wishes and sweet compliments on our photos.